...A Holiday!
Now who doesn't like the look of that beach, right there! I mean come on! Get me there, right now.. with a cocktail and some tanning oil. - Speaking of tanning oil, I'm looking pretty pasty at the minute. Hmmm.
Anyhow, I really just want to jet off somewhere with the other half. Oh and by the way, my other half, is:
mmmhm, he is fine!
Awwhh don't we look so happy..
Yadaa, yaddaa yada...
Back to me blogging about me wanting a holiday which this year, probably ain't going to happen. :( *sad face*
To be honest, I think I just want to be on plane right now, with the thrills of going somewhere hot and exotic.
Well we are yet to see within the next, 6months, if I go on holiday. Preferably, Spain... Somewhere in spain sounds good.